It's been a while since my last post, so much so I emojied when I saw the date of the last one! September, really? Andrew you need to do better, take a few minutes and write your thoughts, well not all of them but share your story, you know people love to hear it. The truth is my life has been on a high speed roller coaster since last September, been quite a ride!
Back then we decided to move the family and business from southern Maine to Midcoast Maine, and has been nothing but a miracle and a dream come true. Throw in six Holiday shows, the Holidays and preparing for the biggest trade show of the year, and in the country, Atlanta in January, and the time has literarily flown by.
For 6 years I've been learning the ropes, doing what is needed to grow a business, for the most part many right moves and of course plenty of bad ones. Discovery is always the goal, the lessons you learn and the journey your take help direct you to the next big decision, for me that was Atlanta, The Gift Show of all Gift Show's. I prepped and prepped, built a new hard wall booth and made the 3000 mile round trip with two close friends who were also exhibiting at the show. Atlanta was an eye opener and in hindsight my expectations may have been too high, there was good and there was bad, but overall I met some great folks, networked a ton, picked up some new accounts and safely made it there and back to Maine with two close friends whom exhibiting at the show.Now as I move the business into the new year I have realized the direction I'm on is a great one, keep after it and focus on what is working, push it to the next level. Maine is my home, a global destination right in my backyard, I couldn't be more happy. New England Products Gift Show coming up next month, then we liftoff into the summer season, which in Maine is pretty sweet, like a freshly caught lobster roll, drizzled in butter with a hint of salty air, at a local shack by the rocky coast.
I will be sure to add more posts in the coming year, if you would like to join our newsletter, 'The Current' and never miss a story simply enter your email address and sign-up on the bottom of this page.